2024 Age-Verification Legislative Scorecard

In 2024, twenty eight state legislatures proposed 57 age-verification bills targeting websites containing at least 33.33% material considered “harmful to minors.” Thanks to FSC and our allies, the bills were defeated in 14 states.

Bills Defeated

Bills Passed

 Bill defeated 
 Law passed 
 Existing law 
 No law proposed 
 Bill pending 

Outcome by State

Alabamalaw passed
Alaskabill defeated
Arizonabill defeated
Californiabill defeated
Delawarebill defeated
Floridalaw passed
Georgialaw passed
Idaholaw passed
Illinoisbill defeated
Indianalaw passed
Iowabill defeated
Kansaslaw passed
Kentuckylaw passed
Michiganbill pending
Minnesotabill defeated
Missouribill defeated
Nebraskalaw passed
New Hampshirebill defeated
New Jerseybill pending
New Mexicobill defeated
Ohiobill pending
Oklahomalaw passed
Pennsylvanialaw defeated
South Carolinalaw passed
South Dakotabill defeated
Tennesseelaw passed
West Virginiabill defeated
Wisconsinbill pending
Wyomingbill defeated