Age Verification Resources > Lawsuits

FSC v LeBlanc (Louisiana)

Most Recent Update: March 28, 2024 – The judge granted our request to put the case on hold, pending the outcome of our petition to the Supreme Court in the Texas case.

Case History

Nov 6, 2023: We appealed the partial dismissal of our case to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Oct 18, 2023: Louisiana filed their response to our lawsuit

Oct 4, 2023: The judge granted the state’s motion to dismiss part of the case

Oct 4, 2023: Hearing on our motion for a preliminary injunction to block the government from enforcing the law

Sep 22, 2023: The judge requested briefing from the state about age verification providers

Sep 4, 2023: Louisiana updated their motion to dismiss the case

Jul 10, 2023: Louisiana filed a motion to dismiss our case

Jun 22, 2023: FSC filed a motion for preliminary injunction to block enforcement of Louisiana’s laws

Jun 20, 2023: FSC & co-plaintiffs filed a lawsuit challenging the Louisiana law’s constitutionality