Alabama HB 164
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits and civil penalties. Includes requiring “health warnings” be displayed on affected websites. Institutes a 10% tax on content created or sold in Alabama.
All bills dealing with age verification
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits and civil penalties. Includes requiring “health warnings” be displayed on affected websites. Institutes a 10% tax on content created or sold in Alabama.
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits.
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits with statutory damages awards of no less than $10,000
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits.
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits with statutory damages awards of no less than $10,000
Requires the Executive Board of the South Dakota Legislative Research Council to establish an interim study committee on minors’ access to pornographic material.
Age verification and IP blocking
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits
Age verification mandate enforced via private lawsuits and civil fines.