Oklahoma SB 593 – Porn Ban
Ban on the creation or dissemination of pornography in Oklahoma
All bills dealing with free expression issues
Ban on the creation or dissemination of pornography in Oklahoma
Makes creating or distributing visual depictions of sexual activity a misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in prison and $2,000 in fines.
Requires advertisements to disclose the use of synthetic media; imposes a $1,000 civil penalty for a first violation and a $5,000 penalty for any subsequent violation.
The measure makes it unlawful for any person who pays a fee for a sexual encounter to publish a review of that sexual encounter.
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) is a well-intentioned bill that attempts to address a serious issue – the exposure of children to harmful material online – in a way that dangerously violates the First Amendment right to free expression.
Redefines obscenity to include materials with educational value.