Alabama HB 393
Age verification mandate enforced by private parties and/or the state Attorney General
All bills originating in the Alabama state legislature
Age verification mandate enforced by private parties and/or the state Attorney General
Age verification mandate enforced by private lawsuits and civil penalties. Includes requiring “health warnings” be displayed on affected websites. Institutes a 10% tax on content created or sold in Alabama.
Creates the crime of doxing: intentionally electronically publishing, posting, or providing personal identifying information of another individual, with the intent that others will use that information to harass or harm that other individual, and the other individual is actually harassed or harmed.
This bill is a copycat of Louisiana’s age verification law with a couple of additions: Adult sites would have to register with Alabama and pay a one-time registration fee and an annual license fee each year thereafter. The Alabama Attorney General can prosecute sites that do not comply, fining them up to $2,000 per violation. Becomes effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.