FAQ for Free Speech Coalition’s Capitol Hill Fly-In Event
What is a fly-in?
A fly-in is an event that brings constituents to Washington to meet with legislators and their key staff face-to-face. FSC is holding this event to educate Congress about the impact that financial discrimination has on our industry and the people who make a living in it.
Who can participate?
U.S. citizens who are current active members of FSC are eligible to participate in this event.
What do I have to do?
- Fill out the registration form by April 23rd
- Attend a digital orientation meeting and an information session where FSC will prepare you for what to expect
- Make your travel arrangements
- Show up ready to tell your story
That’s it! FSC and our lobbyists will schedule the meetings on Capitol Hill and provide you with materials.
What should I wear?
Dress professionally to meet with legislators. A business suit or slacks/skirt and a jacket are appropriate for lobby day. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring a photo ID.
Will I be talking to lawmakers?
Yes, every attempt will be made to schedule a meeting with the legislators who represent you. If your legislator cannot meet with you, you will get to talk with one of their key staffers.
How much does it cost?
There are no fees to participate, but attendees are responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and food.
What if I’ve never lobbied before?
That’s totally fine! FSC staff will help you prepare.
What if I have other questions?
Let us know! Alison is coordinating the event, so feel free to email her with any questions or concerns.