SHIELD Act of 2023
A bill to make it unlawful to knowingly mail or distribute an intimate visual depiction of an adult engaging in sexually explicit conduct or who is nude or partially nude under certain conditions.
Alabama HB 441
This bill is a copycat of Louisiana’s age verification law with a couple of additions: Adult sites would have to register with Alabama and pay a one-time registration fee and an annual license fee each year thereafter. The Alabama Attorney General can prosecute sites that do not comply, fining them up to $2,000 per violation. Becomes effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.
North Carolina Pornography Age Verification Enforcement Act
House Bill 534 would enact the “Pornography Age Verification Enforcement Act” or PAVE Act. It would require commercial entities that publish or distribute “material harmful to minors” on internet websites to verify that a person seeking to access the material is 18 by requiring the person to comply with a commercial age verification system that verifies using government-issued identification or public or private transactional data.
Kids Online Safety Act 2023
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) is a well-intentioned bill that attempts to address a serious issue – the exposure of children to harmful material online – in a way that dangerously violates the First Amendment right to free expression.