
Ohio HB 295

Enacts the Innocence Act to prohibit an organization from failing to verify the age of a person attempting to access material that is obscene or harmful to juveniles, to prohibit a person from using another person’s likeness to create sexual images of the other person, and to create a private right of action for each prohibited activity.

California SB 646

This bill would allow victims of CSAM to bring a civil action against a person or company that distributes the material. It would require websites to list a contact to report violations and to report erroneous content removals.

New York A 7175

To repeal statutes that criminalize sex work between consenting adults, but keep laws relating to minors or trafficking, and to provide for criminal record relief for people convicted of crimes repealed under this bill.

California AB 1726

Declares all former convictions for loitering with the intent to commit prostitution and for prostitution with a prior conviction by a person who knew they had acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) legally invalid based on constitutional error.